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Thursday, December 9, 2010

A Time to Reflect

As quickly as December arrived, it will be gone.  Before you know it, we'll be ringing in the New Year.  Some will set goals and resolutions with the intentions of keeping them.  Some will set them with no intentions of keeping them.  And others will keep doing exactly what they've been doing (good or bad) without a care in the world.  Reflection must become a part of our lives if we want to see changes.  A Plan, Do, and Review for our lives is an effective way to recognize what's working and not working.  What has this year meant to you?  What lessons can you draw on from the trials, tribulations, and successes that you've experienced?

For me, the year has meant I'm still standing through it all.  It has meant that I've survived the first year of marriage to my best friend.  It has meant the creation of two businesses, while working with an autistic child during the day.  It has meant the birth of a new niece, who I can't wait to see.  It has meant stretching my faith further and further beyond my comfort zone!  It has meant the forging of a deeper and more meaningful relationship with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

What I've learned, through it all, is I have to continue to praise Him through the good and the bad!  I'm thankful for Your mighty hand in my life!


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