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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Day 16

"Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him." Job 13:15

Today was the final day for the Operation Shake the Hunger project.  We originally prayed for at least 35 packs for December 24.  We received 4 packs.  I'm thankful for the four packs.  I'm thankful to the people and to God. 

In one of my previous blogs, I wrote about a blessing indeed of God.  I wrote that those kinds of blessings are not to be confused with anything that man (or woman) can do on their own.  4 packs seems like something that we could have done on our own without prayer...

I also said that if this wasn't God's will all would be revealed.  Maybe this was His way of showing that it wasn't His will.  Maybe it wasn't.  I don't really know.  I don't really understand.  But maybe it's not for me to know or to understand it right now.  Or maybe I'm looking at it totally wrong...

In Isaiah 55:8 God said, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD.

There's no reason for me to be discouraged or feel like this project was a failure because as God said in Isaiah 55:8, His ways aren't my ways, nor are His thoughts my thoughts.  He sees things differently than I see them because He's able to see the bigger picture.

And when I look at it from a different angle, it's really not all that bad.  I mean, we wanted at least 35 packs purchased because that would have provided 35 homeless individuals with 10 days worth of meals.  We have a total of 120 packs.  That will provide four days worth of meals for 30 homeless individuals.  That's a definite win. 

Deuteronomy 15:7-8, 10 reads, 7 "If there be among you a poor man of one of thy brethren within any of thy gates in thy land which the Lord thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not harden thine heart, nor shut thine hand from thy poor brother:  8 But thou shalt open thine hand wide unto him, and shalt surely lend him sufficient for his need, in that which he wanteth.  10 Thou shalt surely give him, and thine heart shall not be grieved when thou givest  unto him: because that for this thing the Lord thy God shall bless thee in all thy works, and in all that thou puttest thine hand unto."

I'm to give to those that have a need whatever need it is they have.  I'm not to be grieved in my heart about giving either.  Nor am I supposed to hold on to what I have.  I'm to open up my hand (my purse or my wallet) and give.  And in my giving, my heart should be filled with joy, not grief.  There is no "but" or "unless" or "except" in the verses.  It just says to give and be joyful about giving.

My husband said to me earlier that anything we do for God is a blessing.  He's right.  I want to share some lines from a Smokie Norful song called Don't Quit.  These lines have been blaring in my head since yesterday:

Even when the enemy says this is it
I want to encourage you whatever you do (Whatever you do)
Just dont (just dont quit)

Ive got my own set of challenges yeah yeah yeah
And my friendships sometimes they wear a little thin
I even began to wonder if my own family is (out on me)
I'm tryin to make sense of my life
I'm tryin to over come all that's not right yeah
But sometime you know it seem so helpless hopeless (Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh)

Even when things dont go your way
You gotta hold on to your faith (Oh
Just remember that you're not made to be defeated

Even when the enemy says this is it (Oh Oh)
What ever you do (Hey)
Just dont quit (Oh Oh Oh Oh)
Don't quit (the race is not given to the swift neither is it given to the strong)
Don't give in (Cause its already written yeah)
We win in the end (we win in the end)
So hold on (even when the devil says to give up and just through in the towel I came to encourage you)
Whatever you do (just don't)
Just dont quit (Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh)

My Prayer:  Heavenly Father, forgive me for my negative attitude, that keeps me from staying focused on You and from truly trusting You.  Lord, I, like the boy's father in Mark 9:24, say to you with much humility that I do believe; please help my unbelief.  I thank You so much that even though I'm not always faithful to You, You are ALWAYS faithful to me.  Thank You, Lord for each and every one of Your promises.  But most especially I thank You for the ones that say I wasn't made to be defeated, that I have victory in Jesus, that I'm on the winning side.  Thank You also, Lord for reminding me in this song, to not quit, even when it seems hopeless.  And thank You, Father for the 120 Formula 1 nutrition packs we have to put in the homeless packs this Christmas Eve. 

I pray, Lord, that whoever may be reading my blogs will not confuse my moments of discouragement with how awesome You are.  Although I don't always understand why things turn out the way they do, I do trust You.  Therefore, I will continue to praise and worship You each and every day.  Thank You, Lord for Your love, mercy and grace.  In Jesus' name.  Amen.


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