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Tuesday, June 23, 2015


June 23, 2015

"Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.  I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust." Psalm 91:1-2

I have been quiet for a while on this issue.  At this point, I don't even know what the relevance is for me to say this, and I don't even know who will bother to read what I write.  I realize that ignoring it, and keeping quiet will not take away the thoughts and feelings I have inside; thus I feel the need to put my finger to the keyboard, so here I go...I am the mother of a black son.  Before any of this racism news became so relevant, I thought about raising my son in this world as a black male. He is 18 months old and I hear ALL the time, "Your son is so cute!"  In my mind, I often wonder, "What will you think of him when he gets older?  Will he scare you as a black teenage boy or man?" Yes he's cute.  But he's also black.  Therefore, he'll grow up to be a black man!  My “cute son” who will someday grow up to be a black man who someone might identify as a thug or criminal based on the color of his skin…No disrespect, I appreciate the compliment.  But this is what I live with EVERYDAY.  Being African American/Black, I've experienced racism, UGLY first hand from kids AND adults as a child and still as an adult.  I've had family members experience it.  I'm married to a black man, who happens to be one of the MOST HONORABLE, and LOVING people I know; however, because of his skin color, he has been profiled and accused of some very ridiculous things. Each day I look at social media, my heart breaks a little more seeing all the hate happening in our world surrounding race.  I don't fear for myself as much as I fear for my children and their well being.  It is overwhelming, and I am honestly at the breaking point.  This is a reality I, as a BLACK MOM cannot escape.  So what do I do?  Live in fear and teach my children to be doormats to people that will judge them by their skin color in hopes that they'll be left alone???  No...that just doesn't sit well with me.  Say what you will about religion.  Though I wouldn't call myself religious. I'd call myself a CHRIST FOLLOWER.  If that offends you, so be it.  But with everything going on around me each day, my only peace and hope comes from my faith in HIM.  Without it, I will continue to live in fear and worry about my children and their well being.